Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Week 3 - Texture and Vlog

This week's lesson was on applying texture in oil painting and I decided to paint an ewok... because it's so fluffy! I kept looking at this picture and I just couldn't stop smiling, which was basically my motivation for painting this, so that I will forever have an ewok's fluffy-ness to look at!

Although, I have to admit, I was also inspired by someone's little Yoda ;) and my childhood memories of watching Star Wars over and over and over and over with my brother.

Please excuse my camera for recording fuzzy videos, and my blabbering (that's not actually a word, is it...) and my horrendous grammar, as well as all the and's, because's, and so's... 

Here is my final painting if you missed it in the video (which was literally around 10 hours, so I had to sit there and sift through TEN HOURS of me painting and cut it down to five minutes.  I think my eyes died a little that day):


Try these delectable Cappuccino Muffins! I think I might make them for my brother this week, he's a bit of a coffee addict.. :) Hope you have a great day!


Commented on:


  1. Allison, there are many ways to say "I love you" but none of them are enough to express even half of my feelings for you and your project.
    First of all the thing you chose to paint is SOO CUTE!! I think it really suits your style, and that's just so you. The vlog was so you too, and I loved how you didn't script it because then it was just 100% Allison being Allison, and who doesn't love Allison being Allison?

    The thing you said about why you like art, no, that's not shallow. I feel like I'm not super comfortable with any language I've ever learned (English, Korean, German, ASL...), but art was never a barrier for me to express myself. People say "art isn't about just being pretty, it's about expressing yourself" and blah blah and try to sugarcoat their art, but let's face it, I'm not making any art if I don't like any of it. Certain art pieces I made, I'm never gonna love, but as long as there's certain ones that I just look at and think, "Okay, I was pretty awesome with this one," art gives me self-satisfaction and self-confidence. And you sure as heck should have a boosted self-confidence and satisfaction with the things you've been painting. If it's something YOU like, then you have all the right in the world to be proud of it!

    Last year for my sister's genius project, she talked about how she watched our grandma (who is an artist) and me paint, and said she wanted to paint too. Now she's better at painting than I am (which was a weird goal for her because I was never good at painting). You might be jealous of what your brother or your grandpa has, but I think your paintings are things that can really express who Allison is and what Allison can be proud of. I mean, I really love it because I love Allison anywhere :D

    We should totally paint together... (Cue Phineas voice) "Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"

  2. Heh when you asked "would it be shallow to say that I like art because..." I really thought you were going to finish with "I'm good at it." But of course not.. and I love the little pause right before that, and the music is so happy through the entire thing :) Your side comments are funny (" the bathroom" - yup, pretty accurate) too. I think we have it in common that we saw our older siblings be so good at art and kind of wanted to be as good as them, but turns out it's really hard... Your vlog was great, and your painting looks awesome as always. Do you think that at any point in the future, whether during this project or not, you'll paint a portrait? That would definitely be a whole new thing, but I think it would be a fun challenge (well, maybe it would start out fun). I'm impressed with how far you've gotten, because I remember oil painting taking a looottttt longer than a week per painting. Good luck with your final piece!

  3. Allisoooooon. You're so adorable, I love you! You little quirky thing. So cute. I really love all of the art that you've shown us so far, and I'm amazed just to hear that you don't even like the results, haha. But I guess, through the eyes of an artist myself, I would say that about my own work too! However, you really have come a long way and it's interesting to see! I have a few questions, though. One is, how does oil painting differ from other types of artwork, such as water color or colored pencils? I assume the colors layer differently, but how do they mix? Also, I noticed you have an awesome sense of texture already. Is it something that you've developed already, or did this come from learning from oil painting.

  4. So amazing. Can I claim dibs on the Ewok painting?

  5. This is soooo cute!! I know I'm kind of late, but wow. I saw your painting in class the other day, and I could've sworn it was a picture it was so accurate. Honestly, if I hadn't seen you paint the entire thing from scratch I wouldn't have believed that the whole thing was you! (I don't mean that negatively (you're totally believable and trustworthy), but your art is just so good!) Although I'm not an painter myself, I totally understand where you're coming from with the whole "not liking your own work" thing. It's the same with my dancing, which you told me you liked so it can't be that bad (thanks by the way! :D).
    P.S. I love the music in the background :D
